Rachmadhina Insan Widyapianissa
A 4 feet 6.7 inches girl who smells carbolic and newly-bought book.
She claims herself as chocolate jam on your slice of bread.
Don't stare too long. Why don't you just take a peek to her daily playlist and do some duet tracks foolishly?
Ears Did!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010 ( 11:21 PM )
Ayo dibaca apa yang telinga saya dengar hari ini!
#Ceritanya lagi ngomongin boyband
"Backstreet Boys itu lagunya yang kuingat cuman Uptown Girl" -Indra Parulian Sibarani-
note:sebenernya dia mau ngomong 'I Want It That Way' itu!
#Sesaat setelah nonton berita penggerebekan teroris di Pamulang, petuah seorang kakak untuk adiknya
"Makanya Wa, ngga usah ke warnet. Nanti kamu disangkain teroris!" -Rachmadhana Insan Chandravialissa-
note:ini adek saya si dhana, ceritanya lagi ngebilangin adek saya juga, si dhiwa -__-
My ears did listen to these songs!
*1000 Things by Jason Mraz
*The Only Exception by Paramore
*Come Home Soon by Pug Jelly
*Fear of Flying by A Rocket to the Moon
P. S. Pencantuman nama2 buat tulisan di atas sudah mendapat persetujuan dari pihak2 yang bersangkutan. (Huaaaamiss this blog! ini nekat mobile posting!!<--curcol)
Labels: ears did
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and let's have an afternoon tea party